High School
Although they may be old, they are just as fun and silly! We want to show special appreciation to our graduating seniors, and those who will move on into life with this powerful knowledge of God's word.
Dayton "Bo" Stevenson
Team - "Astonished"
Dayton is the youngest of 6 homeschooled children, currently quizzing with the "Astonished" team, and on his way to Nationals for the fourth time. He is dual-enrolled at Jefferson College, and is an accomplished and aspiring musician and composer (Cello, Piano, Drums). He is also a professional tennis instructor at several St. Louis area clubs.
Dayton's favorite book he has memorized is Romans!

Suriyan Paramathas
Team - "Astonished"
Suriyan has been quizzing for the full 8-year rotation. He is currently a full-time student for Missouri S&T in Rolla, MO in engineering. He has been a leader and an integral part of the team, and will be deeply missed! His younger sister Santhira is quite a force to be reckoned with though.